Modeste Creek Saddles



Custom saddles and Gear

Jeff is a skilled artist and his custom gear and designs are both beautiful and functional. Building well fitting saddles for both horse and rider is his passion.
Jeff grew up fitting saddles in his parents saddle shop and has spent years studying saddle fit and mechanics in relation to both horses and riders. He is a firm believer that many behavior and lameness issues can be traced back to the gear we use on our horses.
We also offer lots of unique cowboy gear, including cuffs, bridles, chaps, spur straps, bosal hangers, custom hand-forged knives, knife cases, saddle and cantle bags, doctoring bags and much more. Most of these pieces are custom ordered as people add their brands or custom touches.
Being a working cowboy, we know the gear that gets used everyday and we keep some of our favorites in stock. Fishskin slickers, saddle strings, mule hide horn wraps, ropes and saddle hardware and silver are some things we usually have in stock and ready to go.
As most gear is custom, please give us a call and we can let you know our base prices and would love to build you some new gear.

Modeste creek saddles

Custom Gear and Saddles Gallery

Images coming soon!